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Pacifica Server Upgrade

  • Wednesday, 21st September, 2016
  • 14:30pm

2016-09-25: The Upgrade Completed. If there are issues with your website, please try the following before contact support:

- Reset the MySQL password for the user assigned to connect to the application's DB.

- In cPanel of the account, locate the icone "PHP Select" or "MultiPHP Manager" (In case you don't see neither, switch the cPanel theme to paper_lanter).

In the cPanel PHP Manager, change the PHP version associated with the website from 5.6 to 5.4 and see if this helps.


The upgrade will commence on Sunday Sep 25th around 1:30 AM EST


We will be upgrading the ( cPanel Linux server on Sep 25th as part of our effort to keep our hosting servers up to date and in line with the latest technologies.

The upgrade will require a change in IP addresses



If you are using our DNS servers (ns1/ns2/ or or, then the IP change will be automatic.

However, if you are using 3rd party DNS server, then you'll need to switch the site IP address on Monday Sep 26th to

The new server will bring many added features including:
- Selection of PHP 5.4 or 5.6
- MySQL MariaDB 10 (Mysql 5.6 compatible)
- Attracts SEO and Marketing Kit for your website
- Faster server and more robust network

The important changes will occur:
- Upgrade PHP from 4/5.3 to 5.4
- Upgrade MySQL from 5.1 to 5.6-compatible

While we understand these changes may have some impact on legacy application that are still running on PHP4 or versions of PHP prior to 5.4 , it is critical that we move ahead with the upgrade for security and performance reasons.

We will be happy to work with you to find solutions for legacy applications, please let us know if you do expect to have an application that is not compatible with PHP 5.4 / MySQL 5.6

We will update you once the upgrade has been completed. For any questions, please feel free to contact us on:

Thank you, System Admin
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