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Missing emails in Squirrel Mail WebMail Print

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If you suspect that some emails are missing or not being delivered to your mailbox. Please check the following items first:

1) Check to see if the messages may have been delivered to your Junk Mailbox

2) Verify your Anti-Spam settings (SpamAssassin) in the Control Panel. This can be done by logging in to your cPanel interface ( and click on SpamAssassin icon.

In SpamAssassin, there is an option to Auto-Delete messages that are marked as Spam. Ensure this option is Disabled.

Further, you can add people to your Whitelist or Blacklist from the same SpamAssassin menu.

3) In some Webmail programs, verify that the emails are being sorted by DATE. It may have accidentally changed the email sorting option to something other than date.

4) In Squirrel Mail WebMail in particular, there is an option to follow messages by Thread or non-Thread. Review the screenshot attached at the bottom of this page for hints on where to find this option.

5) If you still suspect mail not delivered. Please contact our support team, and advise them of the following:
- Date/Time of Message
- Message subject if known
- Sender Email address
- Recipient Email address

Our system admin will trace the logs to see if there is anything unusual about the message delivery.

Image1: SquirrelMail Thread option

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