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502 Bad Gateway Error Print

  • nginx, bad gateway, 502 bad gateway
  • 0

The error 502 Bad Gateway on our servers typically indicate that our caching proxy was not able to load your website. This could be one of two reasons:

a) Permanent error:

It indicates there is a problem with the actual site, either a database connection had failed or a PHP script failed to load. To verify the source of the problem, access your website using Port 8080. As an example, the site  can be accessed as well using

This should tell you the cause of the problem. If the page still doesn't load, then check the file "error_log" in your website FTP folders under the directory public_html (accessible through FTP).

b) Temporary error:

If a site experiences large amount of traffic that may crash the server, our system will limit that site temporarily and display the error 502 Bad Gateway. Try to check the site again in 15 minutes. If there continues to be a problem, please notify us and our support team will be happy to assist further.

At anytime, you can email our support by opening a ticket through the management portal.

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